A petition was registered on the president’s website about starting a day of commemoration of the defenders of Mariupol

A petition was registered on the president’s website about starting a day of commemoration of the defenders of Mariupol


The head of the public organization “Association of Families of Defenders of Azov Stali”, the wife of the commander of the “Azov” Regiment, Kateryna Prokopenko, registered a petition on the website of the President of Ukraine with a request to start a day of commemoration of the defenders of Mariupol in Ukraine on May 20. The “Azov” military formation is called to support the appeal. A year ago, the Mariupol garrison did the impossible – in a complete environment, it restrained the overwhelming forces of the enemy. Ukraine received time for negotiations on the supply of weapons from partner countries, and the Ukrainian troops were able to regroup,” the message says. The petition was registered on March 23. Over 18,000 signatures were collected on the day of the appeal. “Azov” adds that the beginning of the day of honoring the defenders Mariupol will be a tribute to those who died defending the city and its residents, as well as those who survived, but are still in Russian captivity. “The defenders of Mariupol have written their names in history. The day of commemoration is a symbolic reflection of the fact that Ukraine will never forget their feat,” the servicemen note. Defender of Azovstal: Photo: “Azov” It was on May 20 that thousands of defenders of Azovstal came out of the shelled metal plant under the order to save their lives, which was given by the higher command. Later, the defenders Mariupol was captured by the Russians. We will remind you that Ukraine supported the petition to initiate the creation of the National Pantheon of Heroes of Ukraine at the Askold Tomb in Kyiv. Read also: Ukrainians supported the petition on mandatory sex education in schools


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