At what level do Ukrainians know English and do they want to learn it – survey

At what level do Ukrainians know English and do they want to learn it – survey


68% of Ukrainians have certain knowledge of one foreign language. Although the majority of respondents do not speak a foreign language perfectly. This is evidenced by the survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology. 51% of Ukrainians noted that they have some knowledge of the English language. However, as sociologists point out, a more detailed analysis shows that only 23% can read, write and communicate in this language on a household and even professional level. A third of adult residents of Ukraine (31.8%) do not speak foreign languages ​​at all at any level. 22% speak Polish to some extent, 14% speak German, and 7% speak French. Knowledge of the Russian language was not taken into account in the survey. It was only about English, Polish, Turkish, Hungarian, Spanish, French and German languages. 51% of Ukrainians noted that they have some knowledge of the English language. A third of adult residents of Ukraine (31.8%) do not know any foreign languages ​​at all. On a ten-point scale, Ukrainians rate their knowledge of a foreign language as follows: listening – 3.00; communication – 2.89; writing – 2.73, reading – 3.29. Although 56% of respondents want to improve their level of knowledge of a foreign language, 61% claim that they do not need to know a foreign language for their professional activities. Knowledge of a foreign language is higher among younger, more educated and wealthier people. A relatively greater spread of knowledge of foreign languages ​​is observed in cities with a population of 500,000 or more (77%) and Kyiv – 84%. The vast majority of respondents share the opinion that it is necessary to learn foreign languages ​​at a young age. In particular, 63% believe that one should start learning a foreign language at the age of 5-7. Over the past six months, 46% of respondents report that they did not use any method to learn English. However, during the same period, 61% of respondents had experience using English in everyday life. 19% used English in their professional activities; 18%. – in studying; 56% – for listening to songs; 55% – for familiarization with instructions / advertisement / menu; 54% – reading posts and articles on the Internet; 52% watch videos in English. Every second child (51%) learns English at school, another 27% learn it additionally, and 22% do not learn English at all. The absolute share among those who have children – 93% – wants their child to learn and improve the level of English. 37% of these parents are confident that it can change their child’s life for the better, and another 55% believe that improving their knowledge of the English language will have a positive impact on their child’s future. Every second child (51%) learns English at school Factors stimulating learning a foreign language include: greater opportunities to travel – 43%; curiosity – 36%; more diverse leisure activities (books/films/music) – 33%; opportunity to work in international companies – 31%. The survey was conducted in December 2022 – January 2023 using the online interview method, in which 2,001 adult residents of Ukraine aged 18 and older participated. Under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample (with a probability of 0.95 and without taking into account the design effect and peculiarities of the applied research method) did not exceed 2.2%. At the same time, under conditions of war, additional systematic deviations of the sample caused by the consequences of Russian aggression may occur. We will remind you that earlier we talked about how to learn English well. Also read: English, Polish, German and more: list of free language learning platforms


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