Careful, ambrosia! Allergy, its symptoms and how to get rid of weed

Careful, ambrosia! Allergy, its symptoms and how to get rid of weed

A lot is said about this plant, but not everyone knows what it looks like. Ragweed is one of the most inconspicuous and hardy weeds in the plant world, which, however, is one of the most dangerous allergens.

At the beginning of September, a quarantine was even introduced in Kyiv to combat this plant. Its growth cannot be stopped in any way, and it causes a lot of damage to people who suffer from allergies.

In Ukraine, the most common of this family is the ragweed. It annual plant that can reach a height of up to 2 meters. It has characteristic dissected leaves and small greenish flowers that form spikelet inflorescences.

Ambrosia is propagated by seeds, which can “wait” for favorable conditions in the soil for 5 to 40 years. One ragweed plant can produce up to 50,000 seeds in one season. The seeds are spread by wind, water, fur and paws of animals, carried on people’s clothes or shoes, cars, etc.

Its flowering season lasts six to ten weeks – from the end of July until the first frosts.

Although each plant lives only one season, it can produce up to one billion pollen grains. And they can “travel” quite long distances.

For example, they were discovered over the sea at a distance of 640 kilometers from the coast, as well as in the atmosphere three kilometers from the earth’s surface.

Ragweed can most often be found along roads, near riverbanks, in vacant lots and fields.

Turf, areas near water drains, as well as soils salted due to chemicals are also favorable for it.

Symptoms of ragweed allergy

Warm summer days with low humidity are ideal for spreading ragweed pollen. And it adds serious discomfort to the lives of people who are prone to allergies and/or have asthma.

They can develop pollinosis or the so-called “hay fever” – an allergic disease that can be caused by plant pollen.


  • headache
  • cough, difficulty breathing and wheezing
  • itching of the eyes and ears, lacrimation
  • tickling in the throat
  • runny nose, nasal congestion
  • sneeze
  • decreased sense of smell or taste
  • swollen or bruised skin under the eyes
  • poor sleep quality

In some cases, allergic eczema may occur, accompanied by itching and rash.

It can appear during 24-48 hours after exposure to allergens.

Such a rash usually disappears on its own within two to three weeks.

However, symptoms may be aggravated by other irritants, such as tobacco smoke, strong odors, or air pollution.

Climate change can also worsen ragweed allergy symptoms, according to The Natural Resources Defense Council.

An increase in temperature extends the blooming season of ragweed, and, accordingly, the amount of harmful pollen.

How to understand if there is an allergy to ragweed

If you have symptoms of “hay fever” in late summer or fall, you should consult an allergist, who will help determine whether it is really an allergy to ragweed pollen.

Such a diagnosis is established through a skin test: a dissolved allergen is applied to a skin area and waited for 15 minutes.

Confirmation of the presence of an allergy is redness or the appearance of an itchy bump.

Remember that at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, the concentration of pollen in the air is highest in the morning period.

Therefore, at this time, you should avoid walking in the fresh air.

You can find by following the link map of the European continent, which monitors the pollen level of some plants in the air, in particular, ragweed, alder, grasses, etc.

However, pollen can enter the house not only through the air. It is also carried on clothes, hair or pet fur.

Therefore, after returning from the street, be sure to change your clothes, and before going to bed, take a shower.

If you stroked an animal that was in the fresh air, wash your hands thoroughly.

Allergy to ragweed: what to do

Use air filters or air conditioners to reduce the amount of pollen entering your home.

Carry out wet cleaning in it every week.

Dry clothes indoors, not on a line outside – otherwise pollen can settle on them.

It will not be superfluous to wear masks – an already familiar attribute of the COVID-19 pandemic will also protect against allergens.

If you have the opportunity, make sure that the grass near your residence is regularly mowed, and that compost and organic fertilizers are added to lawns and flower beds. Ambrosia “loves” poor, infertile soils.

Therefore, taking care of the outbuildings and homesteads will not only improve their aesthetics, but also harm the comfortable growth of ragweed on them.

It is necessary to destroy ragweed not only because of its negative impact on the human body, but also because it depletes the soil and reduces the yield of agricultural crops.

Fighting ragweed is a long process. In the Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change of the KMDA, within the limits of the quarantine, they plan to uproot plants and burn them, create phytocenoses from perennial grasses to suppress ragweed and use chemical means of control.

It is most effective to get rid of ragweed in the spring and early summer, when the plants are still small and weak. Some types of ragweed have already become resistant to herbicides and their use may not be 100% effective, so sprinkling the sprouts may give better results compared to larger plants.

If you decide to get rid of weeds with chemicals, spray on windless days, carefully follow the instructions, and also check whether the drug is in the State Register of Pesticides and Agrochemicals, permitted for use on the territory of Ukraine.

Planning to pull out ragweed by the roots – remember, this should also be done before its flowering. Put on gloves in advance, because an allergic reaction can occur after physical contact, and not just from inhaling pollen.

If the growing area is very large, you can simply mow the weeds. Of course, this will not remove the roots, but the plants will not be able to flower and spread pollen. It will be necessary to mow every two to three weeks.

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