It will take another 300 years to achieve gender equality – UN Secretary General

It will take another 300 years to achieve gender equality – UN Secretary General


Global progress in the field of women’s rights is “disappearing before our eyes”, and it will take another three centuries to achieve gender equality. This was stated by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, writes The Guardian. During a speech at the UN General Assembly on the eve of International Women’s Day, António Guterres noted that women’s rights are being violated all over the world. Among the problems he named: maternal mortality, expulsion of girls from schools, refusal of work for caregivers and forcing children into early marriages. Antonio Geturres. Photo: palinchak/Depositphotos “Decades of progress are disappearing before our eyes,” Guterres said. He highlighted the particularly dire conditions in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, where “women and girls have been erased from public life.” Guterres did not name other specific countries, but stressed that in many places women’s sexual and reproductive rights are violated, and in some countries girls who go to school are at risk of being kidnapped. “Gender equality is becoming more and more distant. At the current pace of development, UN Women is pushing it back by 300 years,” Guterres said. We will remind, according to the data of the UN Development Program in Ukraine, in 2020, women on average received 23% less wages than men. Read also: Gender discrimination of women, and could everything be the other way around. Opinions of 4 experts


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