Met the “neighbor”: Ukrainian polar explorers showed how a newborn seal learns the world
Newborn seal SeaBaby
National Antarctic Science Center/Facebook
Ukrainian polar explorers showed how a Weddell seal named SeaBaby, which was the first this year to be born near the Akademik Vernadskyi station, gets to know the world.
The baby studies the environment next to his mother, told at the National Antarctic Science Center.
SeaBaby has already “met” with grayish white. These are small birds that stick to the station all year round. They are often near seals and penguins, because they feed on krill from the droppings of these animals or their spit.
Polar explorers also shared the news of replenishment on two surrounding islands.
“By the way, did you know that seal pups are called puppies? So now there are four puppies among the neighbors of the Ukrainian polar explorers: SeaBaby, a girl and a boy who were also born on the island of Winter, and a baby that was born on the islands of Three Little Pigs, but its gender is still unknown, because polar explorers cannot get there due to the ice situation.” – told the NASC.
We will remind you about the birth of the first Weddel seal pup near “Vernadskyi” it became known September 18.
In the first days, such babies usually weigh 25-30 kilograms and grow very quickly on the mother’s nutritious milk. By the end of feeding, which lasts about 3 months, their weight can reach 90 kilograms. And adult Weddell seals weigh 400 kilograms.
Baby called SeaBaby – in honor of the Ukrainian naval drone.