Scientists have dated the first references to romantic kisses to 2500 BC

Scientists have dated the first references to romantic kisses to 2500 BC


Scientists claim that the first known mention of romantic sexual kisses by a person is a thousand years older than previously thought. Scientists found evidence that confirms these data in clay tablets of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, writes Science. The oldest kiss of mankind is mentioned in the sources of the ancient Middle East. Kissing is attested in ancient Mesopotamian texts from 2500 BC. Ancient Mesopotamia covered the territories along the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, now Iraq and Syria are located there. Kisses have been practiced in many cultures, but scientists distinguish two types: a friendly-parental kiss and a romantic-sexual kiss. Photo: Science The first type was considered a fairly common form of social interaction. Researchers consider a romantic-sexual kiss to be “testing” a partner for a future relationship. The reason for this is the chemical signals transmitted through saliva or breath, the feeling of attachment between individuals and the occurrence of sexual arousal. In cuneiform texts (over 3000 BC), there are relatively few cases where romantic-sexual kisses are described. They refer to married couples kissing, although kissing was considered part of the sexual desire of an unmarried person when in love. People have also exchanged viruses and bacteria through kissing. Thanks to modern analysis of ancient DNA, scientists have identified: herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1); Epstein-Barr virus; human parvovirus B19. Scientists suggest that the disease called bu’šānu, which is described in ancient medical texts, may have reflected the herpes virus (HSV-1) in addition to a number of other modern diseases such as diphtheria. It was localized mainly in the oral cavity and pharynx or around them. The name of the disease comes from the verb, which means “to stink.” It can also be interpreted as “vesicle” or “boil” (which is the main symptom of the herpes virus). Read also: A disease that can start with a birthmark. What is melanoma and how is it treated?


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