Scientists have determined the speed of cosmic winds that cause black holes

Scientists have determined the speed of cosmic winds that cause black holes


Scientists from the National Institute of Astrophysics calculated the speed of cosmic winds emitted by supermassive black holes. It can reach a third of the speed of light, writes Science Alert with reference to Universe Today. The calculation was carried out by a group of astronomers and astrophysicists within the project called “Winds of a supermassive black hole in X-rays” (SUBWAYS). Scientists used data from the XMM-Newton space telescope. Photo: Andreus/Depositphotos X-ray spectroscopy of 22 black holes has shown that the speed of the wind flow they produce can reach almost 300 billion m/s. Scientists recorded this speed in approximately 30% of cases. Galactic nuclei of black holes were analyzed for 1.6 million seconds, which corresponds to eighteen days. Black holes are so active that they temporarily eclipse all the stars in the galactic disk combined. Powerful winds occur when dust and gas from the hole’s accretion disk are ejected outwards, carrying some of the material and energy into interstellar space. Studies have shown that this process is important in regulating the process of star formation. “These results allow us to establish with greater confidence that a significant proportion of active galactic nuclei contain ultrafast winds and ultrafast flows. And we were able to confirm that the intensity of these gas flows is sufficient to significantly change the ecosystems of their galaxies,” noted the project coordinator and Professor Bolonskyi Marcel Brus University. Scientists assume that there is a relationship between the galaxy and the black hole, which determines their evolution. “These observations allowed us to obtain new independent evidence for the existence of highly ionized matter, which is ejected from the deepest regions of active galactic nuclei at speeds close to the speed of light,” added Gabriele Mazzeu, a researcher at the University of Bologna. It will be recalled that scientists have recently established that the Milky Way galaxy may have a different shape. Read also: In search of signs of life: the NASA apparatus has started a new scientific mission on Mars. VIDEO


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