Telegram will transmit the IP address at the request of the authorities
The Telegram corporation will hand over the IP address and phone numbers of users of the messenger of the same name to law enforcement agencies of countries around the world based on their official requests, who will violate the rules of using Telegram, in particular, use the platform to violate the law. Telegram founder Pavel Durov, who is under investigation in France on charges related to Telegram’s activities, including, as the French authorities claim, refusal to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in the investigation of criminals, wrote about this on Monday.
As Durov wrote, Telegram has updated its terms of use. In addition, according to him, in recent weeks, moderators, including using artificial intelligence, removed all potentially malicious content from Telegram’s search system.
The French prosecutor’s office, as well as a number of critics of Telegram, claim that the messenger was used, among other things, for the purposes of drug trafficking or the exchange of child pornography. Durov, shortly after being released after several days of detention on bail and judicial supervision, promised that the messenger would cooperate with the authorities, and persons using Telegram for criminal purposes should not be able to endanger the safety of conscientious users, including Durov estimated at a billion people.