The 23-year-old British woman became the youngest woman to conquer the 14 highest peaks

The 23-year-old British woman became the youngest woman to conquer the 14 highest peaks

Adriana Brownlee on top of Nanga Parbat


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The 23-year-old British woman became the youngest woman to climb the 14 highest peaks in the world.

It took her 3 years, informs The Guardian.

The record holder was Adriana Brownlee from London. The girl announced her intentions to become a mountaineer at the age of 8. Then in one of the works she wrote: “I would like to be famous for climbing the highest mountain in the world … and to be one of the youngest girls to do it.”

In order to build a dream career, Brownlee had to leave the university and sacrifice friendships. But, according to her, “it was worth it.”

The first 8,000 peak that Adriana conquered was Everest. Its height is 8848 meters.

On October 9, after 3 years, she reached the peak of Shisha Pangma – the lowest among the highest. It reaches 8027 meters.

Brownlee also conquered K2, Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri I, Manaslu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna I, Gasherbrum I, Broad Peak and Gasherbrum II.

According to the girl, conquering the last peak was the “most incredible” moment for her.

On her last climb, Andriana did not use supplemental oxygen, which made it even more difficult.

“For me, everything depends on internal motivation, the desire to test my body and achieve personal goals.

Mountaineering is my escape in life. He makes me feel free…” – says the record holder.

Brownlee now wants to work with other mountaineers.

So far, less than 100 people have climbed all 14 of the highest peaks in the world, which are located in the Himalayas and the Karakoram.

We will remind you that the youngest climber in the world conquered them recently pond 18-year-old Nepali teenager Nima Rinji Sherpa.

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