The Deputy Speaker of the State Duma apologized for his daughter’s trip to the USA and her studies in France

The Deputy Speaker of the State Duma apologized for his daughter’s trip to the USA and her studies in France


The Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy made a public apology for his daughter’s trip to the USA and her studies in France. He called it his “terrible transgression” and “global guilt.”

Tolstoy made the statement on the air of the “Life and Fate” program on the “Russia 1” TV channel. He specified that the two-week trip to the USA took place many years ago as part of an internship at the school. Tolstoy did not say in which year the trip took place, but he mentioned that since then his daughter has grown up, graduated from university and started working, and his daughter still reproaches him for the trip.

Tolstoy also stated that Russians who have visited “unfriendly countries” begin to “love Russia more” and become “the most scalded patriots.”

  • Peter Tolstoy is the author of many conservative legislative initiatives. In June 2022, he proposed to create a “single language space” in Russia and ban English borrowings. One of his latest initiatives is a complete ban on providing medical and legal assistance to transgender people in Russia.


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