The requirements for pet stores will be tightened – some no longer sell animals

The requirements for pet stores will be tightened – some no longer sell animals

In Russia, requirements for pet stores will be tightened in accordance with new amendments to the law on responsible treatment of animals. The requirements have not yet been developed, but some pet stores have already refused to sell animals.

The amendments were adopted in October 2022 – more than an hour after the introduction of the draft law in the State Duma. According to the explanatory note to the document, animals should not be kept “in cramped conditions, without proper veterinary care and care, deprived of normal nutrition, opportunities for walking and communication.”

In accordance with this, the sale of animals in pet stores and bird markets is actually prohibited, as it is practically impossible to ensure proper conditions for keeping animals in these places, writes “Kedr”.

“Many large chain stores have already refused to sell animals on their own initiative, because they honestly stated that they cannot create normal conditions,” said the author of the amendments, State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov.

The requirements should be developed by the government – “the project we saw did not withstand any criticism,” Burmatov noted.

  • The amended law prohibits animal cruelty. Among other things, animal fights are not allowed. A few days ago, goose fights were held in Suzdal, Vladimir Region, as a Maslenitsa “fun”.
  • Cruelty to animals is punishable by up to five years in prison. However, only 9% of convicts receive real terms, fines and mandatory work are often assigned.

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