“Ufologists” at NASA told about the first year of work of the special group

“Ufologists” at NASA told about the first year of work of the special group


The first meeting of “Ufologists” scientists took place at the NASA headquarters in Washington on Wednesday. A special expert group, created an hour ago, conducts a study of “unidentified flying objects” based on data published in open sources. The participants of the meeting spoke about the need to improve the quality of published information, Reuters reports.

What used to be called “flying saucers” or “unidentified flying objects” has recently been officially called “unidentified aerial phenomena”.

Researchers face all sorts of limitations. According to NASA, in addition to the lack of sufficiently clear images of possible UFOs, the right to privacy is also an obstacle. Most people don’t like it when we direct our equipment to their land, or the buildings belonging to them fall into the frame,” said the participants of the meeting.

There is also a taboo on reporting unexplained phenomena among commercial aviation pilots. It is necessary to break this tradition, insists David Spergel, chairman of the group of experts at the Washington event. He also believes that parallel research within the framework of similar projects of NASA and the Pentagon is an inefficient use of funds.

“There is no evidence that unidentified extraterrestrial objects are a consequence of their extraterrestrial origin. Therefore, NASA is in no hurry to draw conclusions.

The head of the Pentagon department said that the hypothesis of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life should not be dismissed. But until now, there is no reliable information about the alien origin of unidentified atmospheric phenomena.


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