What is freckles and can freckles be removed?
They say that people with a swallow are “kissed by the sun.”
Freckles can be found on any part of the body in a large number of people.
Most often, they appear on places that are regularly exposed to the sun, in particular on the face and the back of the hands.
Swallowing is usually harmless. However, it is worth conducting a self-examination of any spots on the skin and consult a doctor if you notice suspicious or sudden changes.
“UP. Life” used sources Healthline, Cleveland Clinic and National Library of Medicineto tell:
What is a swallow?
Freckles or swallow is small flat spots that usually appear in the summer on areas of the body exposed to the sun.
They are red, light brown or dark brown.
In people with light skin and fair or red hair, chance of appearance the swallow is higher.
However, freckles can appear on anyone and look like dark brown spots if the person has tanned skin. Freckles also include solar lentigo, or as it is also called – pigment spots.
Why does the swallow appear
Freckles appear through excessive production of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that gives color hair, skin and eyes and is formed under the influence of sunlight.
Melanin is produced by skin cells called melanocytes and protects the skin from sun damage. At the same time, it absorbs and reflects ultraviolet radiation (UV) – this is how the skin tans.
The result of the formation of melanin is a tan. If the person has a light color skinunder the influence of sunlight freckles appear more often instead of tanning.
Also the emergence swallow contribute to:
- genetic predisposition;
There are several genes that are associated with the appearance of freckles. Therefore, swallowing can be inherited.
In accordance with researchthe presence of freckles is simultaneously promoted by two factors: frequent sunburns and the MC1R gene, which is responsible for the production of melanin.
- xeroderma pigmentosum.
This is a rare disease that causes increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation (for example, exposure to sunlight).
“Freckles cannot appear without exposure to the sun’s rays. Even if you inherited this tendency, but used enough sunscreen, the probability of freckles appearing is low.” – explains MD and Chair of Dermatology at Saint Louis University, Anna Glaser.
As a rule, ephelides (freckles) appear for the first time in young children who are in the sun, and then continue to develop at a young age.
What are the types of freckles?
There is two types of freckles: ephelids and solar lentigo.
- Ephelids – these are flat formations 1-2 millimeters in size, usually red or brown in color.
They become more pronounced during the summer and disappear in the winter.
They mainly appear under the influence of the sun and sunburn on the face, hands, upper chest, neck and back.
People with fair skin and red hair are more prone to the appearance of ephelides.
As a rule, they first appear in young children who are in the sun, and then continue to develop at a young age. With age, ephelids tend to disappear.
- Solar lentigo – these are yellow, red, brown or dark spots up to 1 centimeter in size.
Lentigo does not disappear in winter and has the same color all year round.
It is also called liver spots or age spots because they usually develop in people over 40 years of age.
Most often, lentigo occurs in people with tan or dark skin, and it is caused by repeated exposure to the sun for a long time.
Lentigo appears on exposed areas of the skin, including the face, forearms, backs of the hands, chest, back, shoulders, and lower legs.
Solar lentigo is also called liver spots or pigment spots because they usually develop in people over 40 years of age.
When you should consult a dermatologist if you have freckles
Conduct a 5-point self-examination, recommended American Academy of Dermatologyto check your freckles (the same self-examination is used for birthmark).
Refer to dermatologistif the freckles on your body meet one or more of the listed criteria:
1. asymmetry;
Draw a line in the middle of the formation. If the halves do not match, it is asymmetrical – in this case, you need to consult a dermatologist.
2. boundaries;
It is worth paying attention to uneven, jagged or bumpy edges of the spot and show them to the doctor.
3. color;
An alarm signal is the presence of different colors within the same formation.
4. diameter;
A stain larger than 6-7 millimeters should be alarming – in the case of such findings, it is better to consult a specialist.
5. evolution.
Tell your doctor about any change in the size, shape, color, or height of the skin growth.
Other warning signs that you need to see a dermatologist can be:
- skin changes in the location of the swallow, which are different from the rest of the body with freckles;
- redness or swelling outside the spots on the skin;
- itching, pain or sensitivity within the glans;
- bleeding or peeling, a bump in the area of freckles.
Since freckles are mostly caused by exposure to the sun, the best way to prevent them is to protect your skin from the sun’s rays.
Is it necessary get rid of the swallow and how to do it
Since freckles are almost always harmless, there is no need to treat or get rid of them.
However, as is the case with many other skin lesionsit is better to avoid the sun as much as possible and use it every day sunscreen cream
For lighting or removal of freckles for cosmetic purposes, a dermatologist can offer special creamschemical peelingslaser or cryotherapy.
To lighten or remove freckles for cosmetic purposes, a dermatologist can offer special creams, chemical peels, laser or cryotherapy.
How to prevent the appearance of swallows
Since freckles are mostly caused by exposure to the sun, the best way to prevent them is to protect the skin from sunlight.
- Always apply waterproof sunscreen a broad-spectrum sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher on all exposed skin before going outside.
- Use it sunscreen every day, even on cloudy days and in winter. Reapply every two hours or more often if you swim or sweat.
- Wear hats outside sunglasses with UV protection and lightweight long-sleeved shirts and pants.
- Avoid peak UV hours (usually 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).
- Avoid any form of tanning.