What is it like to give birth to a healthy child with HIV. History of motherhood

What is it like to give birth to a healthy child with HIV.  History of motherhood


There are still stereotypes in society that women with HIV cannot give birth to healthy children. However, today it is real. For Mother’s Day, we tell the story of a woman with HIV from Kirovohrad region, who is enjoying motherhood for the fourth year. “Under the heart – a new life” Sofia found out about her HIV-positive status during the first trimester of pregnancy. She was 28 years old. “It was a planned pregnancy. We didn’t have children for a long time… We tried to get pregnant for several years, but all attempts were disappointing. Then we let this situation go. We went abroad with my husband to earn money. It was 2018. And what a blessing it was when I found out that a new life was being born in my heart. My husband was also happy. We returned home. The gynecologist told me about the examinations I had to undergo. I didn’t delay,” Sofia recalls. Photo: irfanfirdaus19.yahoo.com/Depositphotos “I didn’t believe I had HIV” One of the medical examinations recommended by the doctor was a test for the diagnosis of HIV infection. The woman says that she calmly went to the manipulation room. Blood was taken from her vein, which was sent from a small town to Kropyvnytskyi for research. Two weeks later, the gynecologist called and invited her to an appointment. She informed about HIV. “They told me that I had an HIV-positive result. I was in shock, I could barely hold on. The nurse gave me a glass of water. I was afraid for the child we had been waiting for so long… I did not believe that I had HIV… Then I was referred for a consultation in the office of “Trust”, – Sofia shares. It took some time. The woman didn’t even tell her husband right away. Although she understood that they should talk about it. “I thought it was a mistake. I went to three hospitals located in different cities. The result was the same. I have HIV. I told my husband about it. He hugged me… My husband was also examined, the result was negative. Only I had HIV… And our child could have had it if I had not accepted my HIV-positive status. The infectious disease doctor advised to turn to social worker Olga Ivanenko from the charity organization “100 percent of life. Kropyvnytskyi” for moral support. She convinced me that I should start treatment with antiretroviral therapy (ART) as soon as possible, so that the virus does not affect my immunity, so that it is blocked and not transmitted to the child,” says Sofia. Read also: She ran to the shelter 2 hours after giving birth . Three stories of motherhood in the conditions of war “I felt a double responsibility” Social worker Olga Ivanenko began accompanying Sofia in 2018. At that time, she was the first pregnant woman who was diagnosed with HIV. “I felt a double responsibility. I had to save the life not only of the mother, but also of her child. We sat down in the park on a bench. Sofia calmed down a little. She has already stopped looking for answers to the question: “how could such a mistake happen.” She and her husband were very much looking forward to the child, wishing her only the best of luck. Therefore, they listened carefully to the fact that Sofia should take ARV therapy every day, that it is free and affordable, and it is given at the hospital every month,” says Olga Ivanenko. Sofia gave birth to a healthy boy. He received prophylaxis for up to 18 months. Now he is almost four rivers. He goes to kindergarten and loves his mother very much. Sofia is officially employed, takes medicine every day and feels like a healthy woman. Her husband is a soldier, he protects the country, his wife and son from the enemy. The chance to give birth to a healthy child HIV-positive women who those who started ARV therapy as soon as possible, have every chance to give birth to a healthy child, doctors say. “A pregnant woman, having learned that she has HIV, should take antiretroviral therapy without any hesitation. Such a woman has a 98% chance of giving birth to a healthy child. Of course, if it is ignored, the result may be different. HIV infection can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy or childbirth. During pregnancy – through the placenta, amniotic membranes or amniotic fluid, as well as during invasive interventions, when it is necessary to diagnose a certain pathology in the child. Also during childbirth, when the baby passes through the birth canal. And only after breastfeeding,” says Galina Talalayeva, an infectious disease specialist at the “Svitlovodsk Central District Hospital of the SMR”, medical coordinator of the HealthLink project. HealthLink is a project in the field of public health “Acceleration of efforts to combat HIV in Ukraine”, which is being implemented BO “100% Life” in partnership with IBF Public Health Alliance with the support of USAID has been saving the lives of people with HIV, including pregnant women, for six years. Pregnant women must know their HIV status for the sake of their health and the future child. The doctor advises to remember that the examination for HIV infection is one of the mandatory for pregnant women. It is recommended to be done every three months. “If the mother has HIV, the newborn is given drops – this is a prevention that will protect against HIV. The child receives them in the first month of life. Examination for HIV infection is done three times up to 18 months. Then they are removed from the register,” says Halyna Talalayeva. Photo: VictoriaGuzeeva/Depositphotos Myths among pregnant women with HIV In society, there are still stereotypes that a pregnant woman with HIV or a father has “a lot of chances” to transmit HIV infection to the child. Halyna Talalayeva names the most common, heard from female patients. ❌ Myth. A pregnant woman cannot give birth to a healthy child. ✅ Fact. If a woman takes ART, she will give birth to a healthy child. ❌ Myth. An HIV-positive father infects his child. ✅ Fact. There are only three ways of transmitting HIV infection: through blood – when using non-sterile syringes, needles or other instruments (most often this happens when injecting narcotic substances, but piercing and tattooing procedures are also risky); sexually; from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. ❌ Myth: Children with HIV are born with defects or prematurely ✅ Fact: Women who receive ARV therapy give birth to children without HIV. And carry them throughout their pregnancy. Also read: Why we celebrate Mother’s Day for more than 100 years: the history of the holiday Treatment is available and free People with HIV do not feel “not like that”. They live normal, full lives, provided they take antiretroviral therapy daily. These are pills that should be taken once or twice a day, depending on the treatment regimen that the doctor prescribes individually. After the diagnosis of HIV infection has been established, the doctor selects the optimal treatment regimen, and the patient chooses the most convenient way of receiving the medication. In Ukraine, therapy is free and available. ART can be dispensed at the AIDS Prevention and Control Center, the “Trust” office, the infectious diseases office of the polyclinic or the consultation and diagnostic center at the place of residence. There are also other options in different cities of Ukraine: for example, in Kyiv, patients can receive ART with a doctor’s prescription in certain pharmacies. You can read in detail how the treatment is done by following the link. “HIV-positive patients receive medication independently in the Dovira office, the infectious diseases office of the polyclinic, the regional Center for the prevention and control of HIV/CNIDs. The main thing is not to skip taking the medicine and not to stop it, because then HIV has every chance of destroying a person’s immunity. ARV therapy suppresses the reproduction of the virus and strengthens immunity. Remember: we are responsible for our health, our loved ones and our children,” Galina Talalayeva sums up the conversation. Victoria Semenenko, especially for UP. Life


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