You can see a large spot on the Sun without a telescope: how to do it safely

You can see a large spot on the Sun without a telescope: how to do it safely


A large spot appeared on the Sun, which can be seen without special equipment. This is reported by Space. To see a sunspot, you usually need a powerful telescope and a bunch of special equipment and filters. However, the new sunspot called AR3310 can be seen with the “unaided eye”, but you should take care of eye protection. South Korean astronomer Bum-Suk Yeom created a photograph of the phenomenon South Korean astronomer Bum-Suk Yeom created a photograph of the phenomenon that shows the relative scale of AR3310 compared to Earth. AR3310 is currently at the edge of the Sun’s visible disk. However, she will soon be out of sight of Earth’s inhabitants. A sunspot is a product of strong magnetic fields. They are usually the point on the Sun’s surface that produces solar flares, also known as coronal mass ejections. These massive bursts of solar plasma can reach Earth and damage electronics, as well as create stunning auroras. Sunspot AR3310 is a massive dark spot on the Sun that is about four times the size of Earth. It is caused by particularly strong and intertwined magnetic fields. Astronomers and astrophotographers around the world observed AR3310 while it was visible. They took several images of the Sun and a huge sunspot. To see the AR3310 with your own eyes, you’ll need at least a pair of sunglasses. Those that are usually used to observe a solar eclipse will do. It is important that the solar filter on the glasses is not scratched. Another way to observe the Sun is through special solar viewing binoculars that have built-in solar filters. They not only allow safe viewing of the Sun, but also offer a magnified view of the entire solar disk. It is also important to look away from the sun before removing the glasses. Even short-term exposure to sunlight without eye protection can lead to permanent eye damage. Read also: Sunglasses: how to choose correctly, whether you can use plastic and when to go to the doctor


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