Japan introduced sanctions against 80 companies and 100 individuals from Russia

Japan introduced sanctions against 80 companies and 100 individuals from Russia


The Japanese government has expanded sanctions against Russia, writes Nikkei Asia. Export restrictions affected 80 companies related to the military.

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Sanctions against the Russian Federation

Also, the assets of 100 individuals and legal entities that tried to violate previously imposed sanctions were frozen. In addition, Japanese companies were prohibited from providing architectural and engineering services to clients from Russia.

In total, Japan’s sanctions already affect about 1,000 people and 450 organizations from the Russian Federation.

Let’s remind

The G7 (G7) summit began in Hiroshima on May 19 and will last until May 21. On the first day, the USA, Great Britain and Canada announced new sanctions against Russia.

Washington has blacklisted more than a hundred companies, including two from Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, as well as 46 individuals. Human Rights Commissioner Tatiana Moskalkova and Deputy Prime Minister Viktoria Abramchenko, Russian billionaires Igor Kesaev (co-owner of Mercuriy Group) and Vladimir Lytvynenko fell under the restrictions.

Read: The USA imposed sanctions against dozens of companies and hundreds of people

The United States also banned the export of more than 1,200 different goods, including electronics, antiques, alcohol, watches, carpets, cosmetics, and perfumes.

Source: Ministry of Finance

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