A referendum on amendments to the Constitution is being held in Uzbekistan

A referendum on amendments to the Constitution is being held in Uzbekistan


A referendum on amendments to the country’s Constitution is being held in Uzbekistan on Sunday. If they are accepted, the current president Shavkat Mirziyoyev will be able to remain in power until 2040.

In the new version of the Constitution, the presidential term will be increased from five to seven years. If the amendments are adopted, the presidential terms of the current President Mirziyov will be “zeroed out”, which will give him the opportunity to be elected to the post of the head of state twice more. The powers of the president will also be expanded.

According to the new Constitution, Uzbekistan is declared a social, legal and secular state. Previously, these concepts were not in the Basic Law of the country. The number of members of the Senate will be reduced from 100 to 65 people. The death penalty is prohibited. The new version of the document will specify the state’s obligation to provide citizens with a minimum salary, housing and medical care, as well as access to the Internet.

  • The authorities of Uzbekistan planned to hold a referendum on amendments to the Constitution last year. This was prevented by protests in the autonomous republic of Karakalpakstan. In the then proposed new version of the Constitution, it was planned to significantly limit the republic’s autonomy and leave it with the right to leave Uzbekistan.
  • In July 2022, numerous protest actions took place in and around the capital of Karakalpakstan, Nukus. The authorities harshly repressed them. According to official data, 18 people died during the protests, more than 240 were injured, and more than 500 were detained. As a result, President Mirziyoyev proposed to preserve the sovereignty of the autonomy of Karakalpakstan.


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