Chelyabinsk feminists held an action against the abortion ban

Chelyabinsk feminists held an action against the abortion ban


Chelyabinsk feminists staged a performance against the ban on abortion in Russia. The publication “7×7” drew attention to the campaign.

On the morning of August 5, activists from the organization “Women Can” placed boxes with toy babies and leaflets about the murders of newborns in the past five years on the square. Feminists called the installation in the center of Chelyabinsk “But not abortion!”. They published photos of the performance in VKontakte.

“The goal of the action is to show that banning abortions will not increase the birth rate, but will increase the statistics on infanticide,” said one of the “7×7” activists. According to feminists, if women do not die and are not maimed during clandestine abortions, they will find other ways to get rid of an unwanted child.

“And since baby boxes are prohibited in the Chelyabinsk region, as well as in many others, you can guess how unnecessary children will evaporate,” the activists write.

  • In July 2023, the head of the Russian Ministry of Health, Mikhail Murashko, after a meeting with deputies of “United Russia”, announced that in Russia they intend to make access to drugs for the termination of pregnancy more difficult.
  • According to the analytical company RNC Pharma, in 2022 the demand of Russians for drugs for abortion and emergency contraception increased by 50-60%. Experts believe that this is due to the reluctance to give birth to children during the war, as well as the desire of clinics to stock up on medicines in the face of sanctions.
  • According to Rosstat, in 2023 the birth rate in the country became one of the worst in the history of modern Russia (8.5 births per 1,000 people).


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