Currency exchange rate on May 26: interbank, exchange rate and cash market

Currency exchange rate on May 26: interbank, exchange rate and cash market


On Friday, May 26, the dollar exchange rate on the cash market decreased by 5 kopecks for buying, but did not change for selling. The euro fell in price by 7 kopecks in buying and 4 kopecks in selling.

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The dollar has not changed in the exchange offices. The exchange rate of the euro lost 3 kopecks in buying, but did not change in selling.

On the cash market, hryvnia to dollar quotes are 37.20-37.60 hryvnias. Euros are bought for UAH 40.20 and sold for UAH 40.80.

According to the currency auction, on the black market (in exchange offices), the dollar is traded for UAH 37.50-37.60, and the euro for UAH 40.60-40.85.

Mezhbank opened in the range of UAH 36.56-36.93/$. Euro trading takes place at the level of UAH 39.24-39.62/euro.

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Author: News editor Roman Myronchuk writes on the following topics: Economy, finance, banks, cryptocurrencies, investments, technologies

Source: Ministry of Finance

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