During the year of the great war, more businesses were opened than closed

During the year of the great war, more businesses were opened than closed


Since April 2022, more individual entrepreneurs and new companies have been registered in Ukraine than closed.

About this informs Opendatabot with reference to the data of the Unified State Register.

So, at the beginning of April this year, the number of registered sole proprietorships is almost 2 million, and companies – more than 1.2 million.

At the same time, closed FOPs for the year were fully compensated by new open cases.

Despite all the crises caused by hostilities and power outages, the first year of the full-scale war did not set a record for the number of closed cases: by the beginning of April, 203,900 FOPs had been closed for the year. At the same time, in previous years, an average of 260,000 FOPs per year were closed in Ukraine.

The number of newly created FOPs exceeded the number of businesses that stopped working – 208,900 new FOPs were registered during the same period.

The number of new companies, on the other hand, significantly exceeded the number of closed cases. During the Great War, more than 32,000 companies were registered, and 5,700 businesses stopped working and became inactive.

Opendatabot reminds that from the beginning of the full-scale war and almost until the end of March, the Unified State Register did not work. As a result, it was impossible to register a new case or close an existing one in the legal field.


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