Electronic subpoenas have been sent out in Moscow

Electronic subpoenas have been sent out in Moscow

In Moscow, they started sending out electronic summons through the mos.ru portal. Muscovites are called to the “Single Call-up Point” to clarify their military registration data, the “Movement of Conscious Refusals” (DSO) reports.

The DSO assumes that the Moscow authorities are mass digitizing the personal files of conscripts and are trying to update the data due to the personal attendance of conscripts. “We do not recommend visiting Moscow institutions related to military conscription unless absolutely necessary. Moscow is famous for mass illegal conscription, roundups, conscription in one day,” the publication says.

In the agenda published by the DSO, the conscript is invited to come to the military commissariat on April 8.

Earlier, the head of the Duma Defense Committee, Andrey Kartapolov, said that during the spring draft, electronic summonses will be sent out in a test mode. “The main agenda is a paper one, until the register of conscripts works,” said Kartapolov.

Spring conscription in Russia lasts from April 1 to July 15.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the draft law on digitalization of conscription on April 14 last year. The new law presupposes the creation of a single register of conscripts and new ways of notifying conscripts. Now the summons can come by registered letter, in electronic form through the “Gosuslugy” portal and through the MFC. Previously, they were handed out only in person or through the employer.

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