The Ministry of Reintegration explained how resettled people who do not have an employment record can confirm their seniority

The Ministry of Reintegration explained how resettled people who do not have an employment record can confirm their seniority

In the absence of an employment book, internally displaced persons can confirm their work experience with the testimony of witnesses.

About this informs press service of the Ministry of Reintegration.

Currently, there are cases when Ukrainians who left the temporarily occupied territories need confirmation of work experience for pensions, but do not have work books or relevant records.

The issue was discussed at the Coordination Headquarters for ensuring the realization of the rights and freedoms of IDPs. The participants of the meeting provided explanations on this matter.

“Yes, in accordance with the resolution of the CMU of August 12, 1993 No 637work experience in the absence of documents can also be confirmed by the testimony of at least two witnesses,” the department noted.

The corresponding norm applies in the case when enterprises, institutions, organizations are located (were located) on the TOT or in areas of hostilities.

Witnesses can be people who know the applicant through joint work at the enterprise, institution, organization and have documents about their work during the time in which they confirm the applicant’s work.

On the basis of such testimony, the bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine confirm the length of service for awarding pensions.

We remind you:

The Cabinet of Ministers provided for the possibility of remote identification of recipients of pension and social benefits from among IDPs.

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