The person found unfit for service received a term for refusing to fight in Ukraine

The person found unfit for service received a term for refusing to fight in Ukraine


In Vladivostok, a conscript was sentenced to 2 years and 10 months for refusing to go to war with Ukraine. The verdict was handed down on June 30. On Sunday, Telegram channels Baza and “Mobilizatsiya. Novosti. Chto délatat?” reported about him, Sibir.Realii writes.

Baza names the name of the convicted person as Andrey Chelnokov, he is 32 years old. It is confirmed that he has the “D” fitness category – that is, he is not fit. Chelnokov was called up for mobilization the next day after it began in Russia in September last year. At that time, he was being treated with several diagnoses at once. According to the enlisted man, the military enlistment office did not conduct a medical examination.

Later it turned out that from the unit, where they promised to “deal with” Chelnokov’s diagnoses, he will be able to leave only after the decision of the military medical commission. But she gave him category “B” – suitable with minor restrictions. Mobilizovanny claims that the commission acted with violations.

By November 1, Andrei Chelnokov was ordered to go to war and threatened with criminal charges for refusing to go. He, in turn, disputed the decision of the medical commission, won the right to receive medical treatment, and in March he was able to confirm his unfitness for service.

As a result, Chelnokov was sentenced for refusing to carry out the order due to the fact that he did not go to fight in the fall, when he still had the “B” category. According to the court, he was declared unfit “already after committing the crime.”

Information about new sentences for those mobilized for refusing to fight appears almost every day, notes Sibir.Realii.


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