The world’s largest manufacturer of machine tools supplies them to the Russian military industry

The world’s largest manufacturer of machine tools supplies them to the Russian military industry


One of the world’s largest manufacturers of machine tools, the German company DMG MORI, will continue to supply its products to the military-industrial complex of Russia despite the sanctions and the fact that the company officially announced its withdrawal from the Russian market after the start of the war in Ukraine. This is stated in the investigation of the “Agency” publication.

DMG MORI opened a machine tool factory in Ulyanovsk back in 2015. At the same time, already by that time EU sanctions prohibited the supply of equipment and technologies for Russia’s military-industrial complex, while the customer of the Ulyanovsk plant was the Rostec state corporation, which works, among other things, for the Russian military-industrial complex.

In March 2022, after the start of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the DMG MORI company announced the shutdown of the plant in Ulyanovsk, however, according to the “Agency”, it continues production under the leadership of the same owner. The company does not sell machine tools directly, but through its related companies, the co-owners of which are Russian businessman Andrey Sokolov, who is also an employee of the DMG MORI head office in Germany, and also the former sales director of “DMG MORI Rus” Rustam Alyautdinov.

It is noted that Andrey Sokolov formally condemns Russian military aggression, but this is known only from the words of his wife. The businessman himself refused to answer the “Agency’s” questions, referring to corporate rules.

  • A week ago, Ukraine included DMG MORI in the list of “international war sponsors” for continuing work in Russia and supporting its military potential.


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