A pro-Kremlin activist in Cologne was fined for supporting the war

A pro-Kremlin activist in Cologne was fined for supporting the war


A court in Cologne fined pro-Russian activist Elena Kolbasnikova 900 euros for statements in support of the war in Ukraine. Kolbasnikova herself does not admit her guilt and declares that she is “for peace”, but to achieve peace it is necessary to “liberate Ukraine from the Nazis”.

Kolbasnikova was initially threatened with a larger fine for supporting military aggression, but the court reduced the amount, considering that she is unemployed and has two children. The former nurse claims that she was fired from her job because of her political position. She came to court with a six-pointed star in the colors of the Russian tricolor sewn on her clothes.

Elena Kolbasnikova is one of the notable figures of the pro-Kremlin movement in Germany. She was among the organizers of the pro-Russian rally in Cologne on May 8, 2022. Then about a thousand people participated in the rally with Russian and Soviet flags. Kolbasnikova welcomed the gathering. In her speech, she stated that Russia is not an aggressor, but, on the contrary, “is helping to end the war in Ukraine.”

Kolbasnikova is a citizen of Ukraine, she was born in Dnipropetrovsk (now Dnipro). According to her, she intends to get Russian citizenship soon.


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