Getting F-16 from Poland is unlikely, Duda explains why

Getting F-16 from Poland is unlikely, Duda explains why

The Polish state has a small number of aircraft. Given the relatively weak protection of the country’s airspace, giving up air equipment in favor of the Ukrainian military is a feat, “Vechernye Vesty” reports.

The President of Poland noted in an interview that his country has a small amount of air equipment for easy transfer to Ukraine.

In the main quantity, Poland has Soviet Union-era planes that were created there, as well as in Germany.

The state has only 48 units of American F-16 fighters.

He compared this amount with an American aircraft carrier. The number of fighters that are in service with the Polish army is less than half of the equipment that is on one US aircraft carrier.

However, the president emphasized that the fighters that are currently available are doing their job perfectly to protect Poland’s airspace. Therefore, for the Armed Forces of Poland, it is a very difficult and serious decision to give up even one unit of American aircraft.

Ukraine will definitely receive F-16 fighter jets, Latynina said.

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