In Kamchatka, a participant in the war in Ukraine took a woman hostage

In Kamchatka, a participant in the war in Ukraine took a woman hostage


In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a participant in the war in Ukraine held a local woman hostage and threatened to kill her. Telegram channels “Baza” and “Ostrozhno, novosti” write about this.

According to Baza, the suspect led the woman around his apartment for several hours, put a knife to her throat and refused to let go. Bystanders heard the screams and called the police. The suspect did not come to the negotiations for a long time.

The police began to prepare an assault. The yard was blocked off, they decided to free the woman through the balcony. Later, the police persuaded the man to release the hostage, “Ostrozhno Novosti” reports. She was lowered with the help of a ladder. The suspect is detained.

According to Baza, the suspect is 32-year-old Nikita Sh from Petropavlovsk. In early March, he returned from the front after being wounded. Previously, Nikita Sh. was on trial for causing grievous bodily harm.

Reports that participants in the Russian invasion of Ukraine commit murder and rape when returning home appear regularly. Even at the beginning of the war, sociologists warned of an increase in violence in Russia as the military returned from the front.


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