“Russia 1” showed people who were called descendants of Ilya Muromets

“Russia 1” showed people who were called descendants of Ilya Muromets


In the program “Malakhov” on the TV channel “Russia 1” they showed people who were presented as descendants of Ilya Muromets – one of the main heroes of the ancient Russian epic epic, a legendary hero of the times of Kievan Rus. The “Agency” edition drew attention to the plot.

The topic of the TV program was the message of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service that the Ukrainian authorities had allegedly decided to transfer the remains of the Reverend Ilya Muromets from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra to the Vatican. Presumably, he lived in the 12th century. Some researchers call the ego the prototype of the epic character.

Residents of Murom were invited to the studio. Host Andrey Malakhov asked them how they knew they were descendants of Ilya Muromets. According to one of the participants of the program, her father said that they had “very, very strong people” in their family.

Malakhov asked the guests to comment on the allegedly adopted decision to take the “relics of Ilya Muromets” from Kyiv to the Vatican. The guest of the program said that this is “blasphemy”. “If he is not needed there, let him be brought to us in Murom,” she said.

SVR announced the intention of the Ukrainian authorities to hand over some Orthodox shrines to the Vatican in June. The special service stated that Kyiv allegedly agreed on this with UNESCO. The pro-Kremlin Russian media began to write about the alleged intention of the Ukrainian authorities. The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine denied the reports.


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