The pardoned murderer of Vera Pekhteleva was released from paying compensation

The pardoned murderer of Vera Pekhteleva was released from paying compensation


The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, released Vladyslav Kanyus, who was pardoned by him, and was convicted of the murder of student Vera Pekhteleva, from paying moral compensation to the relatives of the deceased in the amount of four million rubles. The father of the murdered girl, Yevgeny Pekhtelev, informed the Sobesednyk publication about this.

Kanyus killed 23-year-old Vera Pekhteleva in Kemerovo in January 2020. In July 2022, the court sentenced him to 17 years in a penal colony.
In the summer, the parents of the victim found out that Kanyus is at large and, judging by his photographs and other data, is serving in the “Storm Z” unit of the Russian Ministry of Defense for convicts.

According to Evgeny Pekhteelev, Putin pardoned his daughter’s killer back in April. Thus, Kanyus was in the colony for less than six months. According to the court’s verdict, he had to pay the family of Vera Pekhteleva four million rubles in compensation for moral damages. However, the president’s decree on pardon freed him from these obligations, which the bailiffs informed the parents about, Yevgeny Pekhtelev said.

According to human rights activist Alena Popova, who represents the interests of Vera Pekhteleva’s parents, in September 2023, Kanyus already returned from the front and has been at liberty since then.

  • According to human rights activists, Kanyus inflicted more than 50 bodily injuries on Pekhteleva and eventually strangled her with a cord from an iron.


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