The State Duma has prepared a project on banning the adoption of children by foreigners

The State Duma has prepared a project on banning the adoption of children by foreigners


In the State Duma, a bill was prepared to prohibit the adoption of Russian children by citizens of countries in which the procedure of changing the gender market – “sex change” is allowed. Vasyl Pyskarev, head of the State Duma Committee on Security, reported this on Monday. In Russia itself, sex change was allowed until recently, but this year a law was passed on the prohibition of transgender transition and changing the gender marker in documents.

Piskarev stated that, in his opinion, Russian children should live in a “normal family” where there is a “biological father and mother.” According to the deputy, the ban on adoption is a “justified measure” because “an adopted child cannot be guaranteed that he will not later end up in a same-sex family if one of the parents changes sex.”

In July, the Patriarchal Commission for Family, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood presented a similar initiative. The Russian Orthodox Church then declared that sex change is a “crippling interference with human nature”, therefore the authorities of Russia “are obliged to be guided by the interests of children, especially the most socially vulnerable – orphans”.

At the same time, surgical sex change is allowed in more than 60 countries of the world, including Iran, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Thailand, China and Turkey, notes Sever.Realii. In many countries, mainly in the West, changing the gender marker is possible without surgery.

  • In 2013, the so-called Dyma Yakovlev law came into force, prohibiting the adoption of children from Russia by all US citizens. It received its unofficial name in honor of a foster child from Russia who died in the United States and became a response to the Magnitsky law adopted in the United States, which has nothing to do with the topic of adopting children. Later, the law was expanded with amendments not related to adoption. Restrictions on the so-called undesirable organizations and a ban on the activities of US-financed political NGOs in Russia were introduced.
  • In August 2022, the State Duma introduced a law prohibiting the adoption of Russian children by families from “unfriendly countries” – they include more than 50 countries that have supported sanctions against Russia in connection with the war in Ukraine. The initiative was not supported by the presidential council.


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