TOP-5 destructive myths about artificial intelligence: Does it threaten humanity?

TOP-5 destructive myths about artificial intelligence: Does it threaten humanity?


Recently, artificial intelligence technology has attracted people’s attention, changed the work of thousands of companies and made them worry about their own future.

There are many myths surrounding AI, and for most people artificial intelligence is still something magical and incomprehensible. What is artificial intelligence? How did it come about?

Will it leave people without work? Can destroy all life on Earth? This was reported in a video on the GigaCloud About YouTube channel.

And especially for Economic Pravda specialists of the cloud operator GigaCloud debunked 5 popular myths about this technology.

Myth 1: AI will lead to mass unemployment

The year 2022 brought AI wild popularity thanks to the widespread distribution of applications with a generative pre-training transformer (Generative Pre-Training Transformer).

The most popular program was ChatGPT from OpenAI. Even before that, people were worried that computers or robots would take away their jobs.

And with the advent of ChatGPT, these fears intensified. After all, the program already generates texts and simple code.

There are almost 250,000 public sector workers in Great Britain. According to some forecasts, 90% of them may lose their jobs in the next 15 years.

Because artificial intelligence programs will sort out digital pieces of paper for them. But any technological progress removes certain professions. And so it has always been.

In the same Great Britain, the advent of electricity destroyed the profession of alarm clock people, whose task was to prevent people from sleeping through their work. Instead, new ones appear.

AI will only optimize manual work, and specialists will use it as a tool to perform tasks. Therefore, people need to learn to work with AI, not fear it.

Myth 2: AI will control the world

The thesis that artificial intelligence will take over the world has long been the basis of science fiction. Many stories describe AI programs penetrating the world’s most secure systems and taking over world governments.

Some even describe how these programs take control of countries’ nuclear arsenals, leading to the extinction of humanity.

However, this is impossible. First, such national security privileges cannot be granted to artificial intelligence because it will only be used as a tool.

Secondly, he will not be able to make such decisions without human intervention, and he will not be able to “break” the existing security systems.

Myth 3: Robots will lead people

The myth that AI will create robots that can think for themselves and rebel against humans is one of the most popular.

Robot technology is far behind what is described in science fiction. Today, they are usually not coupled with intelligent algorithms, but instead programmed to perform repetitive tasks, like on an assembly line.

Even personal assistant robots are limited to a small set of tasks. And even by themselves, robots cannot make the decision to kill all people. They need to be programmed.

A logical question arises: “Who will do it?”.

Myth 4: AI will develop without human intervention

This theory states that AI will suddenly “get out of control” and develop in such a way that humans will not be able to stop it.

If accurate general artificial intelligence is created in the future, this scenario has a low probability of realization. However, given the regulatory practices that apply to AI today, this is unlikely to happen.

Myth 5: AI will learn to function like the human brain

Artificial intelligence algorithms are just algorithms. It is a complex set of commands for a computer that does not work like a human brain.

Modern advances in AI, such as neural networks, draw inspiration from the architecture of the human brain, but cannot think like a human.

There are many cognitive processes that cannot be reproduced by a computer program. At least in the case of AI as we know it today.

In addition, it is extremely difficult to completely reproduce the human brain in software form, because there are still many unknown variables. Unless there are revolutionary advances in both AI and neuroscience in the near future, this myth will not become a reality.

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