what is needed to realize the enormous potential of the industry

what is needed to realize the enormous potential of the industry


The main thing that our partners from abroad are interested in is the working conditions. In their imagination, we sit without light, in the cold, under constant rocket fire. But we explain that yes, there is a risk of blackouts, but IT is a super adaptive industry, everyone already has “starlinks”, generators, and our specialists can do their work, fulfill their obligations.

Ukrainian IT has become the industry that popularizes the brand of Ukraine in the world. Previously, there was a stereotype that Ukraine is cheap labor. This is not so, in the field of IT we are not cheap for a long time. We differ in the level of management, responsibility, ability to solve complex tasks in teams. This is our value proposition.

Regarding foreign markets, 40% of our customers are from the USA. In second place is Great Britain, which in recent years has been actively opening doors for Ukrainian IT companies. It is not just about international technical assistance or donor projects, Britain needs the expertise we can provide. They see business opportunities for cooperation.

Participants of the meeting “Challenges, realities and new horizons of Ukrainian IT”.

In Europe, there are a number of countries where Ukrainian IT is not sufficiently represented. First of all, these are Germany and Scandinavian countries. They need modern IT solutions, are interested in our expertise in various fields. In Germany, there is an interest in GovTech, digital transformation of the state. Although they are as conservative as possible, they have an interest and a desire to move in this direction. They are already starting pilot projects, in particular regarding electronic driver’s licenses. Our experience and expertise will be useful to them.

If we talk about the domestic market, our most solvent sector is agriculture, there are large companies that can afford to use technology. In second place is the banking and financial sector, for which both technology and cyber security are important. And also retail trade – many E-Commerce projects are currently being implemented.

DefenseTech is a direction that is actively emerging and is already of interest to foreign investors. Since we are at war, Ukraine is seen as a country where innovations can be tested. We are open, we are happy to attract technologies and investments. They turn to us for expertise in the field of cyber security: in 2022, more than two thousand cyber attacks were launched against Ukraine, none of which were successful – this is the merit of our specialists.


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