The Nobel Prize laureates have been announced

The Nobel Prize laureates have been announced

On the night of September 15, the ceremony of awarding the Shnobel Prize took place – a satirical award for discoveries that make “first laugh, and then think.”

The ceremony, traditionally organized by the American magazine about incredible research, took place online. Prizes were awarded to the winners in ten fields of science by real Nobel laureates.

The prize for literature was awarded to the researchers of the unusual sensation that occurs when the same word is repeatedly repeated. According to them, this is a manifestation of deja vu – when the familiar seems unfamiliar, it is the opposite of deja vu.

In the field of nutrition, Japanese scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for research into electrified chopsticks and drinking straws. They found that with the help of electrical stimulation of the tongue “the taste of food can be instantly changed” – for example, it will seem more salty.

The award in the field of health care went to the developers of the “smart toilet” with user identification based on the anus. The toilet is capable of analyzing human feces and urine for signs of various diseases.

The international team that investigated the boredom of teachers and students received the Nobel Prize in the field of education. The second, also international, team won the award in the field of medicine for counting hairs in the nostrils of dead people.

The laureates received a 3D model of the award, which must be assembled independently, printed out the corresponding file, and a fake bill with a denomination of ten trillion dollars from Zimbabwe (in 2009, due to hyperinflation, the country issued a banknote of one hundred trillion dollars – it could only be used to buy a loaf of bread ).

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