Call sign “Frankenstein”: the National Guard showed a car that became the legend of the 5th Slobojan Brigade

Call sign “Frankenstein”: the National Guard showed a car that became the legend of the 5th Slobojan Brigade


“Frankenstein” or, as the military fondly calls the car, “Frankie” is a pickup truck that was handed over by volunteers to the 5th Slobozhan Brigade of the National Guard in May 2022. The National Guard showed and told the story of the car that saved many soldiers. At first, the car looked like an ordinary Mazda 2500. At the factory, where the headquarters of the battalion was located, there were no shelters for cars, so the car came under fire from “Grada”, artillery and tanks almost from the first days. Car with the call sign “Frankenstein”. All photos: National Guard Read also: A bullet hit near the heart: a soldier from Donetsk region returned to the front after being seriously wounded. Once, the car even survived a remote demining, when sappers detonated mines around “Franki”, because otherwise it was impossible to demine the car. “Frankenstein was covered with fragments of concrete slabs and bricks, but after a short repair, he continued to work, saving the lives of the guardsmen,” – says the NSU. They add that “Frankie” received a branded “tuning” near Balaklia. Since then, the car was given the corresponding call sign. Repairing the car made no sense, the National Guard explains, because during the next trip it would again become a target of the enemy. Frankenstein immediately felt the consequences of the shelling by “Grada”, barrel artillery, and tanks Read also: “The worst dream came true”: the story of a soldier who got out of a burning tank “After Balakleya, Franky reached Verbivka on his own, took Izyum, Pidlyman, forded crossed Oskil and is now fighting in the Serebryan Forest. Every feature on its hull is traces of shock waves from explosions, falling pine trees, each “wound” has its own story, as well as numerous holes from bullets and shrapnel,” – they say in NSU The National Guard adds that more than a hundred wounded soldiers were taken away by car. Also, all this time, ammunition and reinforcements were carried on it to advanced positions. According to the deputy commander of the logistics battalion with the call sign “Bashta 5”, the “Frankenstein” had no serious breakdowns, although the only “smooth” parts of the machine were only the engine and the frame. “And God created Franky, and gave him reliability, and handed him over to us,” jokingly says the deputy commander of the logistics battalion with the call sign “Basta 5”. injuries In the future, the Guardsmen plan to transfer the car to the museum, because it is “a true symbol of the achievements of the National Guard of Ukraine.” Previously, we told the story of the military Mykola, who in civilian life worked, in particular, at a factory, and when he joined the army, he chose the call sign “Pastor”. Read also: “The occupiers are like fairy-tale midgets”: the story of the national guard with the call sign “Gulliver”


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