Density like cotton candy. Scientists have discovered an extremely light planet

Density like cotton candy.  Scientists have discovered an extremely light planet


Scientists have discovered a strange exoplanet WASP-193b 1232 light-years from Earth, which has the density of cotton candy, writes Science Alert. Astronomer Khalid Barkauch of the University of Liège in Belgium says exoplanets like WASP-193b are rare. In addition, they can help us better understand the evolution of planets. Gas giants located near their stars help to study the development of planetary systems. They could have formed elsewhere and migrated inside. WASP-193b is an exoplanet orbiting a sun-like star called WASP-193. This star is about 1.1 times the mass and 1.2 times the radius of the Sun, and is very close to it in temperature and age. Photo: Artist’s impression of the ultralight world/(NASA, ESA, CSA, J. Olmsted/STScI) However, WASP-193b orbits its star closer than any of the planets in the Solar System: it orbits every 6.25 days. Studying the changes in light around the star as the exoplanet orbits it allowed Barkaoui and his colleagues to calculate the radius and mass of the world. It turned out that the radius is 1.46 times greater than the radius of Jupiter. But its mass is small by comparison: only 0.139 times the mass of Jupiter. From these properties, the researchers deduced the density of the exoplanet: 0.059 grams per cubic centimeter. Earth has a density of 5.51 grams per cubic centimeter. Jupiter has a density of 1.33 grams per cubic centimeter, which makes sense since it has a lot of clouds. And cotton candy has a density of 0.05 grams per cubic centimeter. There are generally very few such worlds. Also, the heat and wind from the star can destroy such a rarefied atmosphere quite quickly. Currently, scientists are trying to find out about the impact of the star on the atmosphere of the planet. Earlier, we talked about how in Iran the arc of the Milky Way, which sparkles over the desert, was filmed. Read also: NASA showed new pictures of the universe created with the help of several telescopes. PHOTO


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