How are alcohol consumption and stroke risk related? The Ministry of Health explains

How are alcohol consumption and stroke risk related?  The Ministry of Health explains


Drinking alcohol increases the risk of stroke: the more you drink, the higher it is. We are talking about both regular alcohol consumption and irregular, but significant doses of it.

According to the Ministry of Health, alcohol increases the risk of stroke both directly and indirectly.

So, for example, drinking alcohol increases blood pressure, and hypertension is the cause of half of all strokes. In addition, alcohol causes endothelial dysfunction – it destroys the ability of blood vessels to expand when the blood volume increases. This lays the foundations for further chronic hypertension.

Alcohol consumption can also cause atrial fibrillation, and this increases the risk of ischemic stroke five times. In addition, it distorts the effect of drugs to prevent thrombosis (anticoagulants) and drugs for atrial fibrillation. This can also end in a stroke, say the Ministry of Health.

Photo: serezniy/Depositphotos

“Alcohol damages liver cells, and as a result, the liver may not produce enough factors blood clotting. And this is a significant risk of hemorrhages in the brain, in the presence of already “damaged” vessels, – the ministry explains.

They add that alcohol consumption is often accompanied by an unhealthy pattern of behavior: smoking, inactive lifestyle, unbalanced diet or non-compliance with medical prescriptions.

“All this contributes to the increased risk of stroke. There is no safe dose of alcohol. If you want to keep your health, give up alcohol completely“, – recommended by the Ministry of Health.

We will remind you that earlier we wrote about how to recognize a stroke and provide first aid and provide first aid.

Read also: A stroke is not a sentence. How to get help from the state


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