How many vaccinations against COVID-19 should be given? The answer of the Ministry of Health

How many vaccinations against COVID-19 should be given?  The answer of the Ministry of Health


The COVID-19 pandemic has ended, but cases of the disease continue to be recorded in Ukraine. The Ministry of Health explained who needs to get a booster dose of vaccination and be vaccinated against COVID-19 seasonally.

The general recommended course of vaccination is 3 vaccinations, one of which is a booster. The fourth and fifth doses are seasonal boosters, which should be given only to people at risk of a severe course of COVID-19.

This was announced by the chief state sanitary doctor of Ukraine, Ihor Kuzin, on the air of the telethon on October 5.

“The basic or primary course of vaccination for any Ukrainian should be such that he receives three vaccinations. This is the generally recommended course of vaccination against covid for every person. Two doses of primary vaccination, and the first booster, which is administered 5 months after the completion of the basic primary complex.

All subsequent vaccinations, i.e. fourth, fifth or other boosters, are called seasonal boosters. And they should be done only to patients from the risk group of a severe course of “covid”: age over 60 years, serious concomitant diseases”, – said Igor Kuzin.

The risk group, in particular, includes people with weakened immunity or concomitant diseases, pregnant women, people aged 60+.

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The chief doctor added that currently 880,000 Ukrainians have not received the second dose and more than 12 million have not received the third vaccination. That is, at least 12 million Ukrainians are not protected against coronavirus infection.

Earlier, in the order dated September 27, the Ministry of Health approved the position regarding the determination of priority groups for vaccination against COVID-19 and receiving booster doses of the vaccine in 2023-2024.

“The general recommended course for the primary vaccination against COVID-19 and the first booster is 3 vaccinations. The first booster is administered 5 months after the primary vaccination.

For the group at risk of a severe course of COVID-19, it is recommended to receive an additional booster if more than 6 months have passed since the previous booster. The need for additional booster vaccination is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s condition and the epidemiological situation in the country.”– say the Ministry of Health.

For individuals who have a violation of the vaccination schedule and have not received the second dose of the vaccine or the first booster dose, they should receive them as soon as possible with the minimum interval (at least 5 months for adults and 6 months for children).

Currently, vaccination against COVID-19 in Ukraine remains free of charge. You can sign up for vaccinations at your family doctor and at vaccination centers.

“The main goal of vaccination and administration of booster doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 remains the prevention of severe cases of COVID-19 and complications of the coronavirus disease.

The Ministry of Health, together with NTGEI, emphasizes the importance of vaccination against COVID-19 for previously unvaccinated persons who belong to the priority risk groups of a severe course of COVID-19 (people 60+, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, representatives of professional risk groups, for example, doctors, teachers, military and others)”, – added in the department.

We will remind, Kuzin also reported that there is a steady increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in Ukraine. More than 4,000 cases of the disease have already been confirmed in the last week.

Importantly! This material is based on the latest and current scientific research, is of an informational and reference nature only and cannot be the basis for establishing a medical diagnosis. You can also ask your doctor for more information about the need for seasonal boosters.


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