How to continue living during the war?

How to continue living during the war?


Evolutionarily, it is normal for people to live in permanent danger. So our task is to be able to switch from tension to a state of relaxation so that we are not constantly in a state of stress – this is harmful for us. It’s normal to tense up and react to stress. But it should be done when there is really a threat “here and now”. Dangerous – tensed/reacted, everything passed – relaxed. Only such alternation will help us to support ourselves. It is important to monitor reactions to stress. A normal reaction to stress is when a person is aware of a threat, understands what is happening now and can predict the consequences. Therefore, it works like this: “I have a plan in my head, according to which I will do everything. I cannot globally affect certain things, but I am responsible for the preservation of myself and my loved ones.” Another reaction to stress is hyperarousal. This is when a person is tense even when there is no threat or everything has passed. Another reaction is avoidance. When a person pretends that nothing is happening, that is, the threat is not perceived and experienced. It is very important to monitor your feelings and find out if you have any distortions and what exactly is your reaction to certain events. Three important components in the war for every Ukrainian: Decision. Each person must make a decision to live, to preserve himself mentally and physically. This is the internal support for everyone, which will motivate to continue living and which should be relied on every time. Support. Family, loved ones and friends are another support for us. We have someone and something to live for. interests Life should not be put on hold during war. You don’t have to live with the thought: “That’s when everything will pass…”. Choose to live here and now. Do something interesting, meet friends, because it gives energy and potential to live. Plan and afford vacations, etc. How to balance yourself and live in war Locus of control (the degree to which you feel that you control events) There is external and internal: external – when a person is subject to circumstances and cannot influence them. For example, if she is at home and the alarm sounds, she cannot stop or influence the trajectory of the missiles; internal – what a person can and must influence. When an alarm sounds, a decision can be made to go to shelter or a safer place. Each of us cannot stop the war now, but we can strengthen our internal locus of control. Be responsible for what you can influence and what you can change. Plan for the day We cannot predict what will happen during the day and how many alarms there will be. However, you need to have a plan for the day and at the same time be flexible and be able to quickly reschedule everything. Also, the more obligations a person has, the more social he is, the less likely he is to develop depression at this time. Sports Sports help the body to complete the stress reaction. Training at the physical level helps smooth the work of the hormonal and nervous system. So do what you can. The minimum is just a walk in the daylight. Running is not always about health. How to run correctly and to whom it is contraindicated Breathing Breathing also helps to fight stress. If we take a deep breath and then a longer exhalation, our body calms down and we begin to feel relaxed. Remember this simple exercise. Practice “palm of achievements” Take a piece of paper, circle your hand and write your achievements on each finger. Let it not be grandiose victories, but something simple. But you need to mark it for yourself. Write on the palm of your hand how you support others. This simple practice helps to realize that life goes on, it is interesting and full of love for oneself and loved ones. Techniques for reducing anxiety At the end of the day, write down five things you are grateful for. Do not look for something grandiose, write simple but important things, like: I do sports, I try to eat right, I made a donut, etc. And also write five gratitudes to other people. You will understand how much you do for yourself and others. Light healing technique Sit comfortably, close your eyes and try to feel where the tension is in your body. Visualize this tension in color. Then think about the color that calms you down. Now fill your entire body with it. You will notice how relaxation will appear in your body. Body scanning technique We must learn to adapt to complex stressful events and learn to activate relaxation. Sit comfortably. Pay attention to your body and what is happening to it. Mark where the greatest tension is – neck, shoulders, and maybe legs. And then find the most relaxed place in the body. Now shift your attention from the most tense point to the most relaxed one. Technique for restoring a sense of security Sit comfortably, feel your feet and buttocks. Scan your body: is everything normal with it, is there no pain, is there any damage. Then look at the room you are in. Scan her: is everything good here and now. Just 1 minute to realize that you are safe (yes, the situation can change, but it is important to keep track of the moments when you are safe), now everything is fine with you. This technique will help relieve tension and relax. Dream Even in war, or rather, especially in war, it is important not to lose the ability to dream. Therefore, record all your dreams – write them down, discuss them with loved ones and keep them constantly in your head. Take care of yourself. Alla Rozhkova, psychologist, specially for UP.Zhyttia Publications in the “View” column are not editorial articles and reflect the author’s point of view exclusively.


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