How to recognize the fear of loneliness and cope with it

How to recognize the fear of loneliness and cope with it


The fear of loneliness can befall many people at different periods of life. This condition is usually short-lived and harmless. However, when feelings of isolation intensify, more serious psychological problems can arise. What is autophobia? How not to feel alone and overcome your fears? Will the help of a psychologist be useful? Read further in the material. Autophobia – pathological fear of loneliness Excessive anxiety related to loneliness can negatively affect: relationships social life career Fear of mental loneliness is connected with the fact that a person is in a certain isolation. Dutch scientists have found a link between loneliness and depressive disorders, which has especially increased during the coronavirus pandemic among young people. Lonely people can be found both within the four walls of the home and in the circle of relatives and friends. Some people experience symptoms of autophobia even in crowds. They may worry about going home where no one is. In this case, the fear is focused on anxiety about possible isolation. Fear due to loneliness is manifested by: discomfort when being alone with oneself; searching for methods that would help to survive loneliness. People spend time in companies they don’t really like, have obsessive meaningless conversations on the phone, reflexively turn on the TV when they enter the apartment. Individuals with autophobia usually realize that the fear is not rational. However, they cannot control their physical reactions in isolation. Loneliness can cause strong feelings of sadness, fear, or anxiety. Sometimes they are accompanied by: dizziness; excessive sweating; rapid heartbeat; trembling; digestive disorders. Read also: Are you afraid of the dark? What you need to know about nyctophobia in children and adults What is a chronic state of loneliness? Chronic loneliness occurs when the feeling of social isolation continues for a long time. This can be accompanied by feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem. Fear of being alone is like a domino effect: one bad experience can lead to long-term anxiety. Constant loneliness can affect even the most sociable person in the presence of: tragic news; previously experienced losses; difficult separations. Long-term, strong fear of loneliness can develop into depression or anxiety. Findings from the US National Veterans Health and Resilience Study indicate that loneliness is one of the causes of PTSD symptom severity among military personnel. Read also: 63% of Ukrainians who feel stressed have disturbed sleep – survey How to deal with the fear of loneliness? The good news is that we can overcome the fear of loneliness on our own and turn the fear into our own strength. Perceive alone time as a useful break from society Being among people, in large and noisy companies takes a lot of energy, we start to feel irritable, anxious and stressed. One-on-one time with yourself is needed to regain strength, to rest mentally and emotionally. Any thoughts or feelings you share when communicating with others are better worked through alone. Meditate Self-awareness during meditation helps to balance your own emotions, cope with negative and anxious feelings and help you understand how not to be afraid of loneliness. Add exercise and sunlight Being active and spending time in the sun helps increase endorphins and serotonin, which are responsible for feelings of happiness. Find a support group If chronic loneliness is the result of a specific problem, support and advice from people with identical problems can help alleviate the symptoms. Do not be afraid to turn to a psychologist when you feel that you cannot cope on your own. In psychology, there are several methods that will help solve the problem. Properly selected therapy can prevent severe complications. Read also: How to quickly curb stress and fear due to air alarms: advice from the Ministry of Health The war brought many changes in the life of every Ukrainian. Stress accompanies us every day, and due to the loss of relatives, people are left alone with their fears. It is worth knowing how to fight the fear of loneliness and, if necessary, consult with specialists. Importantly! This material is based on the latest and current scientific research, is of an informational and reference nature only and cannot be the basis for establishing a medical diagnosis. To establish a diagnosis, be sure to consult a doctor! Read also: Sitting on the Internet and eating sweets: how Ukrainians overcome war-related stress. Poll


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