Important in the context of climate change: Ukrainian polar explorers decode the genomes of organisms from Antarctic lakes

Important in the context of climate change: Ukrainian polar explorers decode the genomes of organisms from Antarctic lakes


Ukrainian scientists from the “Akademik Vernadskyi” polar station decipher the genomes of organisms from Antarctic lakes. They aim to investigate their mechanisms of adaptation to complex environmental conditions.

According to the National Antarctic Science Center, this information will be very useful in the face of climate change.

There is life in the freshwater lakes of the Antarctic, but not very diverse. They are mainly inhabited by crustaceans:

  • copepods (Copepoda), the most common of which is Boeckella poppei;
  • species of the genus Brancinecta.


They easily adapt to rapid changes in water temperature and salinity. However, it is not known why this happens.

“In the conditions of climate change, this information is extremely useful for humanity. And the first stage of such research is to read the complete set of genetic information – the genome of these species.” – the polar explorers said.

The Australian Genome Research Center will help Ukrainian scientists in this. NASC became one of the nine scientific institutions of Ukraine that received a grant to access the research infrastructure of Australia.

During 2024, polar explorers plan to send samples to Australia and read their genome. Scientists promise to publish the obtained results after the completion of all work.

It will be recalled that Ukrainian polar explorers discovered a sudden increase in the content of chlorophyll in the ocean.

Read also: Ice continent and penguins that cannot be hugged. What do you know about Antarctica? TEST


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