“Lesson in figure swimming”: polar explorers showed a fur seal in icy water. VIDEO

“Lesson in figure swimming”: polar explorers showed a fur seal in icy water.  VIDEO


Ukrainian polar explorers of the “Akademik Vernadskyi” station filmed a subantarctic fur seal, which at first hesitates for a long time whether to dive into the icy water, after which it starts swimming. Scientists called the spectacle a “lesson in figure swimming,” the National Antarctic Science Center writes. In Oleksandr Poludny’s video, a fur seal smoothly and skillfully maneuvers while swimming. Short but wide fin-like limbs help him in this, polar explorers note. In search of food, an animal can swim several hundred kilometers. “It is possible to travel long distances only in near-surface waters: fur seals can dive to a depth of up to 100 meters, but they will not stay there for more than a few minutes,” the polar explorers write. They add that the body of the animals is densely covered with fur and like real domestic cats, they may leave some fur behind. The inhabitants of Antarctica love to eat fish. Fur seals also feed on molluscs and krill. According to scientists, during the 19th century St. John’s wort was massively caught subantarctic fur seals for their skins, so now the animals are protected by international conventions, with the aim of restoring their population. Previously, polar explorers showed how a “whale jumps”, the size of a five-story building. Read also: Seals and some penguins: polar explorers showed the “autumn” inhabitants of the Antarctic. PHOTO


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