Newly created pairs of animals were shown in the capital zoo. PHOTO

Newly created pairs of animals were shown in the capital zoo.  PHOTO


As a result, 19 new pairs of animals were created in the Kyiv Zoo in addition to the existing ones. This was reported by the press service of the zoo. Couples and families were created, in particular, to reproduce. Some species of animals were added by the zoo staff “for the company”, guided by the Collection Plan. “This is a difficult and very responsible job for all zoo employees,” the zoo says. Photo: Kyiv Zoological Park of National Importance Thus, the vulture named Gary has two feathered friends, and the gray crane Sirka has found a companion Roksolana. “The red deer herd of 5 females received a new leader, Neo. For the rescued de Brazza monkey named Sima, a new companion named Sil was specially brought,” the message reads. Photo: Kyiv Zoological Park of National Importance Zoo employees are also setting up a family ranch for a newly created family of raccoons, which consists of 16 individuals. 9 of them were saved from the war. It will be recalled that the Kyiv Zoo showed how Bayraktar lemur and other “cubs of war” grew up. Read also: Coming back to life: how animals feel in the Kyiv zoo. PHOTO


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