Scientists have created a bioprinter from Lego parts that can grow human skin

Scientists have created a bioprinter from Lego parts that can grow human skin


Scientists at Cardiff University from the USA have created a 3D bioprinter that consists of Lego elements. The innovative device will be able to grow voluminous human cells from tissue samples. This is written by Science Alert with a link to the manufacturer’s page The Conversation. This technology involves loading “bio-ink”, which contains living cells, into a cartridge. Using a special program, the bioprinter prints them in 3D format. Because Lego parts are cheap, accurate and standardized, developers decided to use them as parts for a bioprinter. 3D bioprinter. Photo: The Conversation The cost of one device is approximately $625. The device is based on a Lego Mindstorms minicomputer. He simultaneously moves the nozzle with the gel in which the human cells are located, and the stand on which he prints the three-dimensional model. Developers are currently using it to create a large-scale skin model. However, they note that the program can be modified and create samples of various tissues of the body. The bioprinter makes it possible to imitate both healthy and diseased skin, as well as to develop new methods of treatment for various skin diseases. We will remind that similar technologies are already actively used in medicine. For example, in the US, doctors transplanted a patient’s ear made from her own cells using a 3D printer. Read also: Robotics, 3D modeling, design repairs. Why studying at a professional test is modern and reliable


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