Scientists have developed a project for a new supercollider: it should explain 95% of the cosmos

Scientists have developed a project for a new supercollider: it should explain 95% of the cosmos


Swiss scientists have developed a project of a supercollider, with the help of which it will potentially be possible to discover new particles and understand the arrangement of the universe.

If approved, the new hadron collider will be three times larger than the existing one, the BBC reports.

The new collider will be called the Future Circular Collider (FCC). Its value is 12 billion pounds (about 14.8 billion dollars).

“This is a tool that will allow humanity to take huge steps forward in finding answers to fundamental physics questions about our knowledge of the universe.” – said Fabiola Gianotti, Director General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN).

Scientists have created a project for a new supercollider to search for dark matter and dark energy. Photo: -Dant-/Getty Images

What is the Large Hadron Collider?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was created in 2008. It consists of an underground circular tunnel with a diameter of 27 kilometers.

VAK accelerates the internal particles of atoms (hadrons) clockwise and counterclockwise to velocities close to the speed of light. Then it pushes them together harder than any other collider in the world.

With the help of smaller subatomic particles that remain after collisions, scientists try to find out what atoms are made of and how they interact with each other.

The main achievement of the HAC was the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. It is the particle that gives mass to all other particles in the universe.

Large Hadron Collider. Photo: Pascal Boegli/Getty Images

New hadron collider

The new FCC hadron collider will be almost three times larger than the HAC. Its diameter will be 91 kilometers.

It is planned to be built in two stages. In the 2040s, it will start bumping electrons together. Scientists hope that the increased energy will lead to the formation of a large number of Higgs bosons, which can be studied in detail.

In the 2070s, the FCC will begin to collide heavier protons instead of electrons to search for new particles. However, this requires extremely powerful magnets, which have not yet been invented.

The HAC could not find particles that would help explain 95% of the cosmos. Dark matter (one of the components of the universe, the presence of which is felt only through gravity) and dark energy (the opposite of gravity, which pushes objects in the universe apart) were out of reach for him.

Their discovery should be the impetus for creating a more complete theory about the arrangement of our universe.

However, there are no guarantees of FCC success.

“Particle physics is a large and historically well-funded research field that grew out of nuclear physics and needs to shrink to a reasonable size, perhaps a tenth of its current size.” – emphasized physicist Sabina Gossenfelder from the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies.

We will remind you that astronomers recorded a rare particle of extremely high energy that reached the Earth.

Read also: Scientists were able to synthesize iron in a form that is deep in the Earth’s core


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