She was tied to her mother by an umbilical cord: thousands of people offer to adopt a child who was pulled out from under the rubble in Syria

She was tied to her mother by an umbilical cord: thousands of people offer to adopt a child who was pulled out from under the rubble in Syria

Thousands of people are offering to adopt a baby who was born under the rubble in Syria after the February 5 earthquake. When the newborn girl was rescued, she was still connected by the umbilical cord to her dead mother. The girl is currently in the hospital. The child was named Aya, which means “miracle” in Arabic. The BBC writes about it. Consequences of the earthquake in Syria. Photo: Getty Images Khalid Attia, the head of the hospital where the rescued child is staying, said that he receives dozens of calls from people from all over the world who want to adopt Aya. Thousands more messages about adoption are received in social networks. “I won’t let anyone adopt her now. Until her distant family comes back, I treat her like my own,” said Dr. Attia. He has a daughter of his own, only 4 months older than Aya. Attia’s family is currently taking care of the rescued girl. Attia’s wife is breastfeeding her together with her own daughter. The child’s condition is now stable. “When she arrived, she had bumps, bruises, she was cold and barely breathing,” said Hani Maruf, a pediatric pediatrician who cares for Aya. It is known that the baby is the only survivor of her family. As a result of the earthquake, her mother, father and four siblings died. Consequences of the earthquake in Syria. Photo: Getty Images As a reminder, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 occurred in Syria and neighboring Turkey. More than 1,440 people died in the earthquake in Syria. The total number of dead in Turkey and Syria exceeded 20 thousand. Read also: Is Ukraine at risk of earthquakes, as in Turkey? Seismologists answer

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