The Ministry of Education and Culture has determined the dates of the national multi-subject test

The Ministry of Education and Culture has determined the dates of the national multi-subject test

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has determined the dates of the national multi-subject test – from May 14 to July 19. During this period, the main and additional sessions will take place.

This was announced by the Minister of Education Oksen Lisovyi.

During the 2024 admissions campaign, applicants will take an exam in four subjects:

  • Ukrainian language;
  • math;
  • History of Ukraine;
  • one to choose from.

Testing of all four subjects will take place over one day and will consist of two stages. During the first stage, 120 minutes will be allocated for taking tests in the Ukrainian language and mathematics, after which there will be a break of 20 minutes. The second stage, which includes testing of the remaining subjects, will also last 120 minutes.

I know that testing four subjects in one day can be quite a burden. But I emphasize once again that we do this primarily for the sake of the safety of entrants and the creation of equal conditions for all.

This model allows the applicant to appear at the testing point only once. This is especially relevant for those who are forced to travel to a nearby settlement to complete the NMT. In addition, the more sessions, the more likely you are to get an air alarm“, explained Oksen Lisovyi.

Information about the structure and content of tests, tasks of previous years is available on the pages of the Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education, which has already approved the number and form of test tasks, as well as the scoring scheme.

We will remind you that 2024 will be the third year when graduates will take the “military” version of the ZNO – the national multi-subject test (NMT).

The testing will not differ fundamentally from the two previous years, but the organizers plan to make certain adjustments in 2024. In particular, participants will complete the NMT from four subjects instead of three, and “Geography” and “Ukrainian literature” will return to the list of optional subjects.

Read also: The director of the Ukrainian National Academy of Arts and Sciences named the non-obvious reasons for the decline in the level of knowledge of Ukrainian teenagers

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