“This holy man is fucking…”: the military launched a flash mob on Twitter

“This holy man is fucking…”: the military launched a flash mob on Twitter


The Ukrainian military started a new trend on Twitter, in which they show photos from the service in contrast to their “civilian” photos. All photo captions go something like this: “this person fights so this person can have fun,” referring to themselves. Thus, the military showed that no one was created for war, and in order to have the opportunity to rest, the victory of Ukraine must be brought closer. The trend was started by a military servicewoman and Twitter user “Zhaba Polova”. “This holy person f*sh*t, because this nit led her licentious life,” the girl wrote, adding a “military” and “civilian” photo. This tweet received 1.8 million views. Other military personnel also began to publish their service photos along with “pre-war” photos. “See the difference – the first was born for war, the second – not! You can see it at first sight!!! I don’t understand why both of them should be sent to the front, let only the one who was born for this fight fight”, – ironically military Neprogory. Maxim Kolesnikov, who was released from Russian captivity a few months ago, also joined the flash mob. A video of a military man enjoying an apple after returning to Ukraine became popular on social networks. This holy man went to his second war so that this nit could live his luxurious life. pic.twitter.com/xzd2NxH4t4 — Max Kolesnikov (@mx_kolesnikov) May 20, 2023 This holy man fucks so that this nit can live his debauched life pic.twitter.com/IQgwY3soYR — Volodymyr Oleksandrovich (@stevn_sp) May 20, 2023 This saint For the tenth year, a person wears his feet in breeches, so that this nit led his dissolute life. pic.twitter.com/IdB4phK6jG — nameless (@pani_kapitan17) May 21, 2023 “I’m very happy how the trend has spread, but I can’t stop yelling about the fact that it spread on Facebook and there they explain to EVERYONE ELSE in the comments that the photo is one and the same person in this type of sense,” – responded “Zhaba polova”. Later, the military woman once again explained the meaning of her first post: “I do not defend anyone’s right to a riotous life, except my own. A riotous life, however, can be earned precisely by fucking. No, this is not an indulgence for everyone who wants to hang out.” Here are a few more memes: This holy man is fucking so that this nit can lead his debauched life pic.twitter.com/vC3cdbyYrw — sleep paralysis🥟 (@l_my_self) May 21, 2023 this brave grandfather is fucking so this nit could go to the forest for mushrooms pic .twitter.com/QXwRjNu6tC — Nesonichka (@galysia_gurova) May 20, 2023 We will remind you that previously on TikTok the military showed how they take care of animals. Read also: New flash mob: Ukrainians tell who their pets were named after


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