what does this indicate and how to fix it

what does this indicate and how to fix it



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Urine can “say” a lot about a person’s health. Important signs of the state of the body are not only the frequency of urination, but also a change in the color, transparency and smell of urine.

What exactly should you pay attention to? This is said by urologist, ex-president of the Urological Society of Florida (USA) Jamin Brambhatt told CNN.

What does the color of urine depend on?

The color of urine varies from pale yellow to dark amber, mainly due to urochrome, a byproduct of the normal breakdown of red blood cells. When erythrocytes age and break down, urochrome is formed, which is filtered by the kidneys, giving urine its color.

The intensity of the color directly reflects the level of hydration – saturation of the body with water. The more a person drinks, the lighter his urine is.

Ideally, the urine should be so clear that you can see through it. But it’s important to find a balance, because drinking too much water can lead to overhydration.

This process will dilute vital electrolytes and can cause water intoxication, a rare but serious condition in which sodium levels in the blood drop to dangerously low levels. This risk is especially relevant for athletes and people engaged in long-term physical activity.

On the other hand, insufficient water intake risks insufficient hydration, which can lead to dehydration, fatigue, and poor cognitive and physical performance.

The best indicators of adequate hydration are infrequent thirst and pale yellow urine.

What does the color of urine indicate?

  • Red or pink.

    The consumption of certain foods, in particular, beets and berries, can turn the blood into such colors. However, if the urine remains red or pink over time, this may indicate that it contains blood. This change should not be ignored, as it may be a sign of bladder and kidney cancer or benign conditions such as an enlarged prostate.

  • Dark brown or tea color.

    Urine of such shades can be a sign that a person is not drinking enough water. If the amount of liquid consumed is sufficient, and the urine remains dark, this may indicate problems with the liver or other organs.

  • Blue or green.

    Most often, this color of urine is associated with certain medications or dyes in food.

  • Bright yellow.

    B vitamins can give your urine this tint. This effect is harmless, but it’s a reminder of how diet and supplements can affect body functions.

What does clear urine mean?

Cloudy urine can be a sign of an infection or kidney problem. However, opacification is often benign and resolves on its own. It can also be a side effect of medication.

If changes in the color of urine have become noticeable and its condition does not return to normal, it is better to contact a medical professional. Timely detection of potential health problems can simplify their solution.


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