When to carol, sow and be generous according to the new calendar: dates

When to carol, sow and be generous according to the new calendar: dates

This winter, for the first time, Ukrainians celebrate winter holidays according to the new calendar.

Since the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine switched to the new style, the dates of fixed holidays for both denominations have shifted by 13 days.

Christmas now falls on December 25, and therefore the dates for caroling, giving and sowing have also changed.

When to carol?

Photo: George Pachantouris/Getty Images

Christmas carols are folk songs that appeared in pagan times and were associated with winter holidays.

During the time of Christianity, Christmas carols were performed to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

According to tradition, on Christmas, Ukrainians went to church in the morning, and in the evening they started caroling at home.

The main task of the carolers who went from house to house was to bring the good news about the birth of Christ to the owner, to wish for a good harvest, livestock offspring, well-being and happiness, and to receive a reward for this.

The Christmas carol begins on the eve of Christmas, that is, on Christmas Eve, which is now celebrated December 24.

But they always ended caroling differently.

The Orthodox Church of Ukraine told the BBC in a commentary that Ukrainians have a mass tradition of caroling for three days.

However, according to church tradition, caroling can be done before Epiphany – it is celebrated in a new style January 14.

Read also: 5 vintage carols to greet or tease neighbors and relatives

When to be generous?

The role of Melanka is always performed by a boy disguised as a girl. Photo GOROD.cn

Magnificent Ukrainian folk ritual songs are called Shchedrivka.

According to custom, shdervkas, like carols, glorify the host and his family on the evening of the “generous kuti” – that is, Shchedry Vechir. It is also called the day of Saint Melanka.

Previously, this holiday was celebrated on January 13, and the next day – January 14 – was called the Old New Year.

Now Melanky belongs to December 31and that’s why you need to be generous this evening.

Usually, on this day, the girls feast in the evening and until midnight, and the boys dress up in the costumes of Malanka, Vasyl, Gypsy, Death, the Goat and other folk characters and “lead Melanka”.

In some regions of Ukraine, they give generously on the eve of Epiphany, which, according to the new style, is celebrated on January 6.

Read also: Ukrainian gifts for the Old New Year: a selection of songs

When to sow?

Photo: Elizabethsalleebauer/Getty Images

Previously, in Ukraine, sowing was done on the eve of St. Basil, that is, in the morning of January 14.

However, now Vasyl – January 1. Therefore, on the morning after the New Year’s celebration, wait for the sowers at home.

Read also: New and old Christmas traditions. Ethnologist about how Ukrainians celebrated

Earlier, we talked about what changes await the faithful of the UGCC and OCU after the transition to the new calendar.

Read also: “There is nothing “un-Orthodox”: the OCU debunked myths surrounding the New Julian calendar

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