America could have been inhabited much earlier than previously thought: a new discovery by scientists

America could have been inhabited much earlier than previously thought: a new discovery by scientists


People could inhabit South America about 27 thousand years ago. And this is 12 thousand years earlier than previously thought. This assumption was made by a team of scientists from Brazil, France and the United States after studying jewelry made from the bones of extinct sloths, The Guardian reports. Scientists suggest that America could have been inhabited approximately 27 thousand years ago. Although until now it was believed that it happened about 15 thousand years ago. Scientists analyzed triangular and drop-shaped pendants from sloth bones. Based on this, they came to the conclusion that the carved and polished forms and drilled holes were made on purpose. Illustration: Julia Oliviera/AR The jewelry was found in the Santa Elena cave in central Brazil. Scientists assume that they are 25-27 thousand years old. “We now have strong evidence that we should reconsider our ideas about the migration of people to the Americas,” said study co-author and University of San Carlos Mirian archaeologist Lisa Alves Forancelli Pacheco. The jewelry was found about 30 years ago in central Brazil, but this is the first time such research has been conducted. Scientists ruled out the possibility that people found and carved ornaments thousands of years after the sloths died. Scientists assume that jewelry could be made in the interval from a few days to several years after the death of animals, even before the bones petrified. “We believe that these were personal items, perhaps jewelry for personal use,” another study co-author and paleontologist at the University of San Carlos Tais Rabito Panzani said. The giant ground sloths, whose bones are used to make jewelry, were one of the largest creatures in South America. Their length reached 3-4 m. They weighed more than 450 kg. It will be recalled that scientists recently made a new discovery that indicates that people in Europe cooked food on fire much earlier than previously thought. Read also: Jewelry over 3,500 years old was found in Egypt. PHOTO


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